ONLINE SPEED TEST: You can verify your speed with an online test. "Speed of me" is a well-known site that works in most browsers.
PING TEST: The ping test is executed in a terminal. Search within your computer using the letters “cmd “ and you will see the “Command Prompt” option. Launch this application and a terminal will open. The basic syntax is: ping [ip address]. For example, if you want to “ping” Google’s DNS server, type ping
The resulting output will give you a response that includes a time in msec (milliseconds). To capture more information, you can type in the following: ping -n 500 > \Users\*insert your username*\Desktop\pingtest_001.txt
The “-n 500” part tells the terminal to execute the ping 500 times and the part after the ip address is the full path to the location of a text file that will be created automatically. Try it out and have some fun with it! (Remember to change the file name, or else it will be overwritten next time you use the same command).
The same goes for your network. Compared to a basic firewall, your enterprise firewall has far more data traffic to manage. An enterprise firewall can provide advanced features such as superior built-in security, anti-virus scanning, VPN abilities and more. All too often we see successful businesses with a liberal budget for good staff, a fleet of trucks/cars, new computers and then the firewall – the ONE point of entry to your ENTIRE network - does not stand up to scrutiny because its importance is either overlooked or underestimated! Protect your business.